
Our team was challenged with developing a vision for how buyers, searching with a partner, can more easily collaborate throughout their home-buying process.

Roughly 70% of buyers search with a partner and in doing so, there are various ways they collaborate—whether it’s sharing listings, creating custom lists, scoring and ranking homes, aligning and evolving search criteria, or deciding on the next steps. It's a lot to stay on top of and keep aligned on—so we were tasked with creating a better, more simplified way—all through the Redfin app.




4 months


UI/UX design


Saved lists

While the idea of a saved list was not new to Redfin, in fact, the feature already existed but was lackluster at best—only allowing you to share your one list with one person. We wanted to push this experience to be much more, creating more value by allowing for multiple saved lists with custom naming, providing the ability to add multiple collaborators, and introducing a chat component within each saved list to foster a more efficient, focused conversation between collaborators.


Home criteria and scoring

Homebuyers have specific criteria in mind for the home search—whether it’s must-haves or nice-to-haves—and it can be hard to get aligned and stay aligned on these criteria. In addition, it can be hard to track homes against shared criteria easily. From this common pain point, our idea was born to create an experience that would support homebuyers in establishing their home search criteria and provide the ability to score homes against those criteria. They could then easily sort the scored homes based on an aggregate score to see which homes rise to the top, best matching the collective wants and needs.



We conducted qualitative research utilizing a prototype of the concepts—interviewing multiple Redfin users and agents to understand how they currently collaborate with others in the home search process. We then walked them through the prototype to see if and how these concepts might be helpful in the home search process.


100% of participants saw value in one or both features
100% of participants said they would likely use one or both of the features in their current or future home searches